Emergency Contact List
Police, Ambulance, Fire | In the event of an emergency use 999 | 999 / 101
Floodline | https://naturalresources.wales | Emergency Hotline 0345 988 1188 / 0300 0653000
National Grid (electricity power cut) | https://www.nationalgrid.co.uk/power-cut-information/how-to-report-a-power-cut | 0800 6783 105
Welsh Water | www.dwrcymru.com | 0800 052 0130
Powys County Council Emergency Planning Officer | http://www.powys.gov.uk/ | 08456027030 |
Out of hours Careline 0300 3332222
Powys County Council Highways | http://www.powys.gov.uk/ | 0845 602 7035 | Out of hours Careline
0300 3332222
Powys County Council | http://www.powys.gov.uk/ | 01597 825 275 / 0345 0544 847 | Out of hours
BBC local news | https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/localnews/ld3-ld3/10
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service | http://www.mawwfire.gov.uk/ | 0370 606 0699
National Grid Gas (Gas or Carbon Monoxide leak) |
https://www.nationalgas.com/safety-and-emergencies/emergencies-and-safety-advice | 0800 111 999